Samrat Gems Impex Pvt. Ltd.
Samrat was established in 1979 with view to manufacture quality apparel of world class standard for exports. Samrat made a modest beginning and over the years have achieved a status as one of the leading manufacturer and exporter of Ladies, Children's and Men's quality knit and woven apparel from India.Samrat is a true ‘’ONE STOP APPAREL SHOP’’ due to its integrated operation right from fabric manufacturing up to shipping of finished apparel all under one roof.
An overview of Factories.....
We have two state of the art factories in Bangalore and Bhiwandi (Mumbai) with a combined production capacity of over 4.50,000 (Depending on style) Garments / month. Our unit-I has 480 machine specially set to handle knitted and woven apparels where as unit II has 400 machine set to take care of woven and knitted apparel including bottoms. The employees are skilled and experienced and the systems have been set so as to organize quality Controlled and efficient production .We have in house technical team that works on enhancing and achieving maximum economies of scale..We have an in house studio and a team of efficient Designers. We develop styles and product based on current trends and fashion.
Having all the facility we seek excellence in achieving challenging objectives with attention to details while providing a high
value added service. With a proactive company culture with emphasis on building relationships, developing new products,
human asset development and most of all complete customer satisfaction. A key ingredient in our business success is the
ability to provide constant feedback to our customers and suppliers on issues they are most interested in. With a proactive
company culture with emphasis on building relationships, developing new products, human asset development and most
of all complete customer satisfaction. Each customer has a dedicated team which allows for customized service to meet
individual expectations of unique products and markets. The depth and experience in the overall organization lets us fill
vacuum spots very quickly without effecting overall performance. Unique and distinct systems are used for generating
reports from stored data. Customized forms are designed for each customer.